Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Shengdan Kuaile! (Merry Christmas!)

What a treat to have the twins visit us this Christmas in Shanghai! In this photo we're modeling our tailor-made clothes (suits and tuxes for less than $60 each). Elaine also bought a "prom dress".

Yesterday we helped lead music at church, and singing Christmas carols is putting us in the Christmas spirit. I hope all of you enjoy a time of peace and renewal.


Lindsay said...

What a gorgeous family I have! Sorry that we could not all be together for Christmas this year. I was thinking fondly of you from the beaches of Vallarta. Love!

Heather said...

So glad you got to have family with you over the holidays! I was a little scared of Mark's FU Man Chu stash in the anniversary pictures but was glad to see he trimmed it up for the party! =) HOpe to see you in Feb!